Killian Warstand

My name is Killian Warstand or my Trans name, Karelia. I've been editing Videos for 5 years. In 2021, I decided to try to use my skills for a side hustle to help me get or remain out of poverty. The YouTube icon, will take you to my Edited-Videos/Sound-Edited-Animation on YouTube.

Commission prices$70, but are negotiable.I'll also accept [Art-Works] as like a trade for Young streamers or middle tier content creators, whom can't always afford $70 dollar commissions or pay in Cash.[tip the average Professional-Video Editor will charge 75 per hour of video]Furthermore, I will add sound to your animations for $10 TO $25.For Image-Sequence will be $1 to $5 [Not an artist, this for artist with slow computers]If it's not listed or shown in my videos I've edited, I can easily learn or figure out what you're commissioning me for.

Past Clients

Clients that can be contacted

Splash Art by
AbodeChaos on Twitter